Infested: What Makes Us and What Tears Us Apart.
Sara is currently working on a series of paintings that explores what humans are made of, what tears them apart, and what, in the end, can save humanity. This series is about what is revealed and what is protected.
Building My Tiny House

Sara Is working on building a home of her own. She is using all salvaged materials and building her house slowly over the summer. She is raising money via Go Fund Me. If you would like to help her or learn more about this art project, just follow This Link.
The Miracle of Strangers.

Sara traveled all over the country handing out stickers and compliments for A Love Rebellion. She had many meaningful interactions, and confirmed the profound value in person-to-person, soul-to-soul engagement. This was the third of three projects she has done focusing on stranger engagement, the first being 20 Dates in 20 Weekends, and the second being 25 Days.
These experiences have led her to her next project, The Miracle of Strangers. This is a book and a speaking tour, focusing mostly on colleges and Universities across the country. Sara will be posting updates on her blog and in her newsletter, so if you would like to follow the progress, simply go and sign up, or check in every once in a while and let her know what you think.
Sara believes that she can inspire greatness in people wherever she goes, if they are open to it, and nowhere in America are people more open to inspiration than on college campuses.
If you want to see her on your campus, let her know. She will try and make it happen!
These experiences have led her to her next project, The Miracle of Strangers. This is a book and a speaking tour, focusing mostly on colleges and Universities across the country. Sara will be posting updates on her blog and in her newsletter, so if you would like to follow the progress, simply go and sign up, or check in every once in a while and let her know what you think.
Sara believes that she can inspire greatness in people wherever she goes, if they are open to it, and nowhere in America are people more open to inspiration than on college campuses.
If you want to see her on your campus, let her know. She will try and make it happen!
A Love Rebellion.
'During the summer of 2017, I will be traveling to different cities across the US and speaking Love to the People. What does that mean? What does it look like? Well, it will be me and a bunch of free Love propoganda to hand out to anyone who will have it.
Basically I will be going to places where there are tons of people, and just start handing out cards and stickers about self-love, compassion, love for your body, respect and love of community, and how all this adds up to sticking it to THE MAN. As a famous artist once scawled: "In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act." I will be letting you know where I am and what I am doing in my newsletter and blog every week and I will be attempting to Facebook Live the action from each and every place I go. I intend for this to be part performance art, part activism, and all rebellion. If you want me to visit your town to spread the love, let me know and I will see what I can do. A Love Rebellion Website |
The Love Yo'Self coloring book. I am calling stores and body positive organizations and programs, trying to get as many eyes on this thing as possible. I believe deeply in the power of this book to catalyze self-love, for it is not like other coloring books. It is not entertainment. It is not for relaxation or meditation. No. This book was created to start a revolution; to help people change the way they look at and relate to their bodies.
We are trained to see ourselves as ornaments, but our bodies are so much more. Our bodies are our lives. They do things for us without us even having to think about it. They get us around. They allow us to experience the world and the people in it. The truth is, we haven't even begun to understand the true extent of what our bodies can do, yet some people would have you relegate yours to simply be an object. But make no mistake; you are more than decoration. You are a human being with the opportunity to change the world. You are a person who is much more than the sum of your parts. Treating yourself as if you were an object denies you from realizing your true potential. You contain multitudes. You are vast. Your potential is limitless. Want to carry this book in your store? Email me by clicking HERE. Want to buy some books for all your friends Follow THIS LINK to my Etsy shop OR, THIS LINK to Amazon. No time or money for shipping? Here are the amazing places that carry my work: WHERE TO FIND IT. |
Public SpeakingI am setting up speaking and workshop engagements for the next year. If you are interested in having me come to speak to your group on any of the following topics, contact me. I am a dynamic speaker and inspiring personality.
Commission WorkSelling prints and doing commissions for doctors and wellness professionals all over the country.
Body Positive Workshops and Classes
Simply put, I teach people how to create their own body positive messaging, based on their body, their life, their likes and dislikes and their struggles. In a workshop setting, this looks like a typical classroom, except that we learn about neuroplasticity: the theory that the brain has the ability to change within the context of physical stimulation. So we draw ourselves as we feel, as we want to feel, as we believe we can be. It is an amazing thing that happens by the end of the workshop; participants come out with a renewed sense of self and an understanding of how to spot negative messaging in any context.
Curious? Shoot me an email and we can discuss what this might look like for your school or organization.
Curious? Shoot me an email and we can discuss what this might look like for your school or organization.